Thrift Shop
The Thrift Shop proceeds and your donations provide a social gathering place for the elderly in our community to socialize and receive well balanced meals in our Dining Room and Meals On Wheels Program.
Thrift Shop Donations
We accept items which we can expect to sell within a reasonable period of time. We will pickup donations, but realize that we have limited staff so prefer that you drop off your donations. Please call 928-476-4633 opt 2 for pickups. To allow time for processing, we accept donations until 3:00PM. We have limited indoor space for furniture, so please call before bringing in furniture.
We do not accept the following
Mattresses or box springs
Paint (spray cans okay)
Vanity tops, sinks
Broken items or items not in working condition
CRT (tube) TVs
Furniture with torn, excessively worn or dirty fabric
Window blinds
Ceiling fans
Water heaters
Dirty clothes, muddy shoes
Wall paper
These types of books (other types ok)
Cook books
Craft & how-to books
Items for which there would be very low demand​
Eye glasses (can be donated at Walmart)
Items can be dropped off in the yard behind the store at:
3916 N. Highway 87
Pine AZ, 85544